Mirko Gozzoli & Alessia Betti Tango WSS 2006 (enhanced)
- 更新された日
- 2007/07/20
- 見られた数
- 151093 回
- 点数
- 4.76471(採点者 170 人)
- 詳細
- Mirko Gozzoli & Alessia Betti Tango WSS 2006 (enhanced and extended) Help, with the song & artist names Mirko & Alessia are the fastest couple ever to become World Standard Ballroom Champions. After turning pro in 2004, they quickly became World Champions the very next year. As the current title holders, it doesn't seem like any other couple has the ability to relinquish the titles from them anytime soon.
- Tag
- Dancesport,Ballroom,Current,World,International,Standard,Champions,Showdance,Japan,Dance,Super,Stars,Festival,dapenda,танцулька