Victor Fung - Anastasia Muravyeva I Showdance I Ohio Star Ball 2019
- 更新された日
- 2020/01/05
- 見られた数
- 2525 回
- 点数
- 4.61538(採点者 39 人)
- 詳細
- Victor Fung and Anastasia Muravyeva I Professional Ballroom Show DanceThank you to the organizer Sam Sodano of Ohio Star Ball Championships 2019 for inviting Panache Star Video to cover & promote this wonderful event! the Ohio Star Ball with Motion Capture Dance:https://motioncapturedance.comShare and enjoy!
- Tag
- Dancesport,Panache Star Video,Panache Star Productions,deportivo,跳舞,showtime,dwts,カップル,strictly,panache star dance,体育舞蹈,社交ダンス,blitz,news,ダンススポーツ,クイックステップ,競技ダンス,เพลงลีลาศ,wdsf,blackpool,國標,dsi,ラテン,チャチャチャ,ワルツ,スローフォックストロット,若者,レッスン,サンバ,社交,panache,2019,ohio star ball,ohio star ball 2019,ルンバ,video profile,體育舞蹈,dance,tanz,ndca,ohio state,ohio,victor fung,anastasia muravyeva,2019 ohio star ball,ohio star ball championships 2019,victor fung and anastasia muravyeva,showdance