Tango Pointers: Paolo Bosco - Silvia Pitton
- 更新された日
- 2012/04/23
- 見られた数
- 135699 回
- 点数
- 4.68523(採点者 413 人)
- 詳細
- The 2011 PD World Champions Standard from Italy, Paolo Bosco and Silvia Pitton, collaborated with WDSF in creating free "You Training DanceSport" resources. The video was recorded in August 2011 at the DanceSport Centre Stuttgart-Feurebach. WDSF wishes to acknowledge the support of Silvia and Paolo as well as of the TSZ Stuttgart-Feuerbach.
- Tag
- WDSF,PAOLO,BOSCO,SILVIA,PITTON,YouTrainging DanceSport,Dancesport,Dance,Teacher,Tango,Paolo Bosco,Silvia Pitton